Launching of LBB Bangladesh

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Launching of LBB Bangladesh


The launching of the LBB Bangladesh was held on July 4, 2015 in Bangladesh. This one-day workshop was centered around capacity building aimed to convened workers and practitioners on labor and human rights violation cases of Bangladeshi migrant workers.

Dr. Chowdhury Abrar, Executive Director, Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit presented reports that delved on two main topics: “International Human Rights Instruments Relevant to MW’s and their families” & “Labour Migration Governance in Bangladesh: Gaps and Challenges”. The chief technical advisor of ILO, Nisha, discussed International Labor Standards and Migrant Workers and the trends regarding these two components. She summarized how government has dual responsibility in securing migration and integration processes in the social economy.

Mr. Abdullah Al Hasan, Director-Program of the Bangladesh National Woman Lawyers’ Association (BNWLA)/ LBB-Bangladesh gave a presentation on Governance of the State on International Labor Migration and the Nexus with Trafficking. He stated that there are gaps in legislation in Bangladesh as well as a lack of a monitoring mechanism.

Two speakers from countries of destination, Qatar and Malaysia, attended the program. Nizar Kochery, Founder and Lead International Consultant Kocheries Legal Consultants LLP presented on the legal environment in Qatar for migrant workers, including how this affects them. Mr. Dato’ M. Ramachelvam, Chairperson, Migrants, Refugees & Immigration Affairs Committee Malaysian Bar Council discussed about the policies and laws that affect migrants in Malaysia including the constitution of Malaysia as well as trade union policies.


CLICK HERE FOR : Workshop Report, LBBBC

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Launch of LBB Sri Lanka

LBB Sri Lanka’s first meeting and launching was held on July 20, 2015 in Colombi, Sri Lanka attended by 22 lawyers who practice in different courts from Colombo and provinces in Sri Lanka. The launch was organized by the MFA and local LBB member, Lawyers Network for Migrant Workers.

The report by the Sri Lanka chapter of the LBB relays some of the difficulties Sri Lankan workers face as migrant employees. Participating and being part of the LBB, the speakers’ forward notable topics as indicated below. Bradford Smith Secretary of the UN Committee on Migrants Workers discussed the treaties and conventions that are necessary for understanding guidance for lawyers working in migration. Migration Expert and ILO Consultant Piyasiri Wickramasekara highlighted the work of the Sri Lankan Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) as an implementing arm of the labor migration process of the country. Lastly, Dr. Nizar Kotchery, Lead Consultant and Founder Kochery & Partners LLP Qatar discussed employment laws of Qatar as well as some recommendations how the LBB can further promote the rights of MW’s.


At the end of the program LBB Sri Lanka members put forward a program of action for the national chapter, which includes the following:

  • Look at the Philippine System of migration and try to adopt in Sri Lanka.
  • To adopt writing contracts on vernacular (Sinhala and Tamil) of a migrant worker.
  • Organize a steering committee to strengthen the Sri Lankan LBB chapter. To engage their government to promote Oversees absentee voting.
  • To examine others countries’ mandates for comparison. To endorse problems discussed during the session to the government.
  • To call for ratification of ILO 189.
  • To set-up a legal clinic for migrants workers.
  • Set-up help desks for destination countries in the Middle East to push for Saudi Arabia Law for Domestic Helpers.
  • For the LBB south Asian chapter to come together and discuss pertinent issues on migration and how lawyers may address them.

LBB Sri Lanka Meeting – July 20, 2015 Report

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Second Lawyers Beyond Borders Conference

10593203_10152727317539187_7302937966104189427_n 5-7 September 2014
Beirut, Lebanon

The Lawyers Beyond Borders network was established by MFA in 2011 in response to the crucial need for more fair and adequate legal redress mechanisms for migrants, and increased coordination among legal practitioners in countries of origin and destination. Members of the Lawyers Beyond Borders network focus on migrant workers’ rights violation cases in Asia (West Asia in particular), and they make efforts to facilitate access to justice and apply strategic litigation and policy advocacy to their work.

On 5-7 September, Migrant Forum in Asia and Caritas Lebanon Migrant Centre organized the 2nd Lawyers Beyond Borders regional conference: focus on access to justice for the rights of migrant workers and members of their families. 45 representatives, advocates, members of the bar council, activists, mission representatives and various CSOs convened in Beirut, Lebanon for the regional conference. The attendees were composed of: 20  lawyers and advocates from countries Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Qatar, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Philippines; 25 Civil society representatives with 7 representatives from Lebanon; and Mission representatives from the Embassy of Bangladesh, Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines, Embassy of Indonesia, and Embassy of Sri Lanka.

The momentum built from the first convening of the network and the ongoing collaboration and discussions through the online listserv highlight the importance of strengthening the action points developed in 2011. The  second conference gathered together existing and new members of the network to:

  1. Explore different areas of access to justice, including strategic litigation which aim to address grievances of and improve protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families in countries of origin and destination;
  2. Identify challenges in policy and national legal systems that limit or prevent migrant workers and    members of their families in accessing and reclaiming justice;
  3. Recommend ways forward in ensuring an unhindered access to justice to uphold labor rights and human rights of migrant workers and their families
  4. Further strengthen the Lawyers Beyond Borders program by enhancing the capacities and knowledge of the members and partners on national, regional and international human rights and labor rights mechanisms, and increasing interaction and collaboration in relation to access to justice in countries of origin and destination.

The sessions discussed country access to justice for migrants and families in Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Qatar, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Philippines. Specific cases studies were also highlighted in line with access to justice in two countries of destination: Jordan and Lebanon. Countries of origin chosen with specific case studies included Indonesia and Nepal. A specific session was also organized on public interest litigation, people’s tribunals, and addressing migrant workers’ rights violations through international human rights and labor rights treaties. The last day of the conference focused on developing a program of action for the Lawyers Beyond Borders network. The program of action included strengthening national lawyers networks and engagement with bar councils in both countries of destination and origin.