Launch of LBB Sri Lanka
Category : Activities
LBB Sri Lanka’s first meeting and launching was held on July 20, 2015 in Colombi, Sri Lanka attended by 22 lawyers who practice in different courts from Colombo and provinces in Sri Lanka. The launch was organized by the MFA and local LBB member, Lawyers Network for Migrant Workers.
The report by the Sri Lanka chapter of the LBB relays some of the difficulties Sri Lankan workers face as migrant employees. Participating and being part of the LBB, the speakers’ forward notable topics as indicated below. Bradford Smith Secretary of the UN Committee on Migrants Workers discussed the treaties and conventions that are necessary for understanding guidance for lawyers working in migration. Migration Expert and ILO Consultant Piyasiri Wickramasekara highlighted the work of the Sri Lankan Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) as an implementing arm of the labor migration process of the country. Lastly, Dr. Nizar Kotchery, Lead Consultant and Founder Kochery & Partners LLP Qatar discussed employment laws of Qatar as well as some recommendations how the LBB can further promote the rights of MW’s.
At the end of the program LBB Sri Lanka members put forward a program of action for the national chapter, which includes the following:
- Look at the Philippine System of migration and try to adopt in Sri Lanka.
- To adopt writing contracts on vernacular (Sinhala and Tamil) of a migrant worker.
- Organize a steering committee to strengthen the Sri Lankan LBB chapter. To engage their government to promote Oversees absentee voting.
- To examine others countries’ mandates for comparison. To endorse problems discussed during the session to the government.
- To call for ratification of ILO 189.
- To set-up a legal clinic for migrants workers.
- Set-up help desks for destination countries in the Middle East to push for Saudi Arabia Law for Domestic Helpers.
- For the LBB south Asian chapter to come together and discuss pertinent issues on migration and how lawyers may address them.