Launching of LBB Bangladesh
Category : Activities
The launching of the LBB Bangladesh was held on July 4, 2015 in Bangladesh. This one-day workshop was centered around capacity building aimed to convened workers and practitioners on labor and human rights violation cases of Bangladeshi migrant workers.
Dr. Chowdhury Abrar, Executive Director, Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit presented reports that delved on two main topics: “International Human Rights Instruments Relevant to MW’s and their families” & “Labour Migration Governance in Bangladesh: Gaps and Challenges”. The chief technical advisor of ILO, Nisha, discussed International Labor Standards and Migrant Workers and the trends regarding these two components. She summarized how government has dual responsibility in securing migration and integration processes in the social economy.
Mr. Abdullah Al Hasan, Director-Program of the Bangladesh National Woman Lawyers’ Association (BNWLA)/ LBB-Bangladesh gave a presentation on Governance of the State on International Labor Migration and the Nexus with Trafficking. He stated that there are gaps in legislation in Bangladesh as well as a lack of a monitoring mechanism.
Two speakers from countries of destination, Qatar and Malaysia, attended the program. Nizar Kochery, Founder and Lead International Consultant Kocheries Legal Consultants LLP presented on the legal environment in Qatar for migrant workers, including how this affects them. Mr. Dato’ M. Ramachelvam, Chairperson, Migrants, Refugees & Immigration Affairs Committee Malaysian Bar Council discussed about the policies and laws that affect migrants in Malaysia including the constitution of Malaysia as well as trade union policies.
CLICK HERE FOR : Workshop Report, LBBBC