Monthly Archives: November 2013

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7th Annual Meeting on Migration of Asian Parliamentarians

APPMigrant Forum in Asia (MFA), Friedrich‐Ebert‐Stiftung (FES), Office for Regional Cooperation in Asia, UN Women and the Committee on Overseas Workers Affairs (COWA) convened the 7th Meeting of the Asian Inter-Parliamentary Caucus on Labor Migration focusing on Gender-Sensitive Strategies for Migrant Workers, on 22-24 November 2013, in Bangkok, Thailand.

Since 2007, MFA and network partners, with the support of FES, have been facilitating a parliamentarians program aimed at identifying the role for parliamentarians on the issues of labor migration and migrants’ rights, enhancing participation of MPs in that role, and identifying key issue areas to take on. Past programs were organized in Manila (2007, 2012), Singapore (2008), Thailand (2009), Vietnam (2010), Cambodia (2011) and Manila (2012).The objective of this year’s Meeting of the Asian Inter‐Parliamentary Caucus on Labor Migration is among others to further the 2012 discussion of social protection from an ASEAN to an interregional focus through a gender-sensitive lens.

This year the program created an ‘Advisory Group’ for the Asian Inter-Parliamentary Caucus on Labour Migration. This group acted as a focal point for the caucus, with responsibilities such as coordinating with MFA to develop programs for future Caucus meetings and acting as a representative body for the Caucus in engaging with SAARC and ASEAN, among other responsibilities. The creation of the advisory group is meant to increase the visibility of parliamentarians in the Asia region.  Moreover, it is an opportunity for effective policy advocacy, where MFA’s network of lawyers can work with the advisory group in identifying key issues of labour migration and migrants’ rights to tackle.

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[Study] Migrant Workers’ Access to Justice at Home: Indonesia

Migrant Workers’ Access to Justice at Home: Indonesia is the first comprehensive study of migrant workers’ access to justice in their country of origin. A collaborative effort by the Open Society International Migration Initiative, the Tifa Foundation, and the Migrant Worker Access to Justice Project, the report analyzes how migrant workers may access justice in Indonesia, and identifies the systemic barriers that prevent them from receiving redress for harms they suffer before, during, and after their work abroad.

The report also provides recommendations for improving access to justice and private sector accountability in 11 key areas, addressed to government, parliament, civil society, donors, and others.

Download the full pdf of the study here (October 2013)

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2nd Diplomacy Training Program in the Middle East

al arab newspaperThe Diplomacy Training Program (DTP) and the Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA) held its 2nd regional capacity building program on human rights advocacy and migrant workers in the Middle East.  The training program took place 10-14 November 2013 in Doha, Qatar and was hosted by the National Human Rights Committee, Qatar. DTP is an independent NGO seeking to advance human rights and empower civil society through quality education and training and the building of skills and capacity in NGOS.  DTP and MFA have been working in partnership together for 10 years to build the capacity of advocates to protect and promote the rights of migrant workers.

The training program was intended to build knowledge and skills of participants through review of internationally agreed standards and mechanisms related to migrant workers, experience sharing of advocacy work, and fostering support networks and collaboration between countries of origin and destination.

Lawyers who are partners of MFA were present at the 2nd capacity building program in Doha, Qatar.

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MFA Policy Briefs

Category : MFA Policy Briefs

The MFA network produced policy briefs which resulted from discussions and consultations about pressing issues quickly developing in the region:

These policy briefs are meant to:

  • Act as valuable communication tools to present MFA’s position and recommendations on diverse issues related to protecting and promoting the rights of all migrant workers;
  • Advance the thematic national and international advocacy of the MFA network by providing a coherent message from the social movement; and
  • Contribute to capacity building by providing a brief, readable document to use during consultations, trainings, lobbying and other related activities.

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