LBB Philippines Free Legal Clinic for Migrant Workers

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LBB Philippines Free Legal Clinic for Migrant Workers

Category : Activities

LBB Philippines

LBB Philippines

We are very much pleased to inform you that Lawyers Beyond Borders Philippines, Inc., or LBB Phil, has just lauched its Access to Justice Periodic Forum today, 7 September 2015, in partnership with the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Regional Satellite Office XII.  The same was participated by 50, more or less, Returning-Overseas Filipino Workers and was witnessed by Regional Director Ofelia B. Domingo, CESO III (Department of Labor and Employment XII), Regional Director Marilou M. Sumalinog (Overseas Workers Welfare Administration XII), and Mr. Pobleo Allera of National Labor Relations Commission Regional Arbitration Branch XII. The launching ceremony was likewise covered by the Philippine Information Agency XII and three (3) local radio stations.

The program is the humble response of LBB Phil to a constitutional guarantee that “free access to judicial and quasi-judicial bodies and adequate free legal assistance shall not be deprived to any person by reason of poverty.” It is of our great hope that this shall be another avenue where we can effectively exercise our legal profession in relation to the growing needs of our migrant workers and their families in the field of legal relations all under the spirit of volunteerism.


LBB Philippines Free Legal Clinic


LBB Philippines Free Legal Clinic

Atty. Ben of LBB Philippines (Image from LBB Phil Facebook Page)

Atty. Ben of LBB Philippines (Image from LBB Phil Facebook Page)


By LBB Philippines