Lawyers Directory

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Lawyers Directory

Category : Lawyers Directory

The following is a list of lawyers and migrants rights advocates who, either in their independent or organizational capacities, can provide legal assistance on cases of migrant workers and members of their families. For more information, or if you would like to get in touch with the lawyers listed on this page, please contact

Bahrain | Bangladesh | India | Indonesia | JordanLebanon | Malaysia | Philippines | Sri Lanka


Madhavan Kallath, Managing Director, Kallath and Company W.L.L.

City: Manama
Telephone Number: +973 17522799
Mobile Number: +973 39199439
Email Address:

About Kallath and Company W.L.L.
We are in legal consultancy in corporate law and labour related legislation. Our activities include:

  1. Providing legal advice on phone
  2. Providing legal advice on live radio show with YourFM 104.2 (in English, Hindi and Malayalam) for an hour once a week.
  3. Attending the open house at the Indian Embassy held once a month and providing legal advice. The open house is attended by H.E. the Ambassador and other senior officials of the Embassy where the migrants present their cases some of them new and some which are pending after referring to the Embassy.
  4. Liaising with the Embassy for dealing with the problems of the migrants where legal assistance may not be required.
  5. Assisting them in getting legal services through Bahraini lawyers for litigation (Under the Bahraini law only Bahraini lawyers are permitted to appear in the court representing litigants)
  6. Liaising and following up with Bahraini lawyers in the cases referred to in 5 above.

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Abdullah Al Hasan

City: Dhaka
Mobile Number: +8801711907417
Email Address:

About Lawyers Beyond Borders Foundation Bangladesh

Lawyers Beyond Borders Foundation Bangladesh is one of the newly established chapters of Lawyers Beyond Borders Network in Bangladesh on 4 July 2015, in Dhaka.

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Shashi Kiran Pusuluri, Legal Advisor, Migrants Rights Council (MRC)

City: Hyderabad, Telangana
Mobile Number:+919848925467
Email Address:

About Migrants Rights Council
My organization has been making commendable efforts to seek protection for undocumented migrant labourers who, on being misled by unscrupulous agents, gone to Gulf countries, including UAE and landed themselves in serious difficulties. It has been espousing the cause of these undocumented migrants workers on several occasions and filed a number of cases before the Hon’ble High Courts in different states as well as before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.

Gayatri Singh, Human Rights Law Network

City: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Mobile number: +9820091871
Email address:

About Human Rights Law Network
The Human Right Law Network (HRLN) is a nationwide collective of lawyers and social activists dedicated to using legal system to advance human rights, and ensuring access to justice for all. The network is situated in various cities in India and works with workers, women, dalits children, farmers refugees, homeless, HIV positive people, religious minorities among others.

Our initiatives include:

A. Provide legal aid to migrant workers who have been abused at work or have been duped by the agent.

  • To file cases against the Indian Embassy for not providing the necessary help to migrant workers
  • Since India is also a transit country a number of Nepali and Bangladeshi women are arrested on forged passports and are treated as criminals.

We provide legal aid to ensure that they are released. As a result of a Public Interest Litigation, the External Affairs Ministry and the Home Department issued an office memorandum directing the police authorities to treat such women as victims and to provide the necessary assistance.

  • Another PIL regarding trafficking is pending in which the high court has asked us to prepare guidelines regarding what action can be taken against the traffickers.

B. Any legal help against the agent registered/unregistred in India.

  • Any action to be taken against the Indian government for its complicity and inaction against abuses on Indian workers in foreign countries
  • To seek assistance of lawyers in foreign countries.
  • To campaign and lobby for effective laws in india to protect indian migrant workers.
  • To participate in any international campaign to ensure safeguards for migrant workers.
  • To share experience and best practices in other countries to seek

Hubertson, Program Manager, Justice Ventures International

City: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Mobile Number: 07667455511
Email Address:

About Justice Ventures International
We deal with advocacy for migrant rights, human rights, legal case work and human rights trainings. We provide legal assistance to the National Domestic Worker’s Movement in Chennai regarding migrant issues by drafting petitions and and writ petitions before the High Court, as well as seeking court directions towards the Indian Embassies and other concerned Ministries/Departments.

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    Tiur Harianja, Coordinator, Center for Indonesia Migrant Workers (CIMW)

    City: Jakarta
    Telephone Number:62-21-86615199, 86600229
    Mobile Number: +628151644559
    Email Address:;

    About Center for Indonesia Migrant Workers
    The Center for Indonesian Migrant Workers (CIMW) is a division of PMK HKBP Jakarta, an organization that focuses on migrant workers issues through several programs, such as research, monitoring and publication combined with crisis center management (providing shelter, legal assistance, individual and family counselling), reintegration, popular education (seminars and consultations with migrant workers and communities), and community organizing.

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      Linda AlKalash, Executive Director, Tamkeen Fields for Aid

      City: Amman
      Telephone Number:+96265539501
      Mobile Number:+962796404408
      Email Address:

      About Tamkeen Fields for Aid
      Tamkeen seeks to enhance social protection for marginalized groups and victims of human rights violations, regardless of social origin, race, color, sex, language, religion or other status. Our main aim is to combat all forms of discrimination, trafficking in persons, torture and ill-treatment. Our initiatives include:

      – Provision of legal consultation
      – Mediation.
      – Addressing official authorities
      – Representation before the courts
      – Using strategic litigation to enhance the rights of migrant workers”

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        Bruno Atieh (CLMC Director) and Attorney Joseph Aoun (Attorney at Law, handling cases of migrants), Caritas Lebanon Migrant Center

        City: Sin El Fil
        Telephone Number: +961 1 502550/1/2/3/4
        Mobile Number: +961 70 173776 (Mr. Atieh) ; +961 3 418526 (Atty. Jaoun)
        Email Address:;

        About Caritas Lebanon Migrant Center
        Caritas Lebanon Migrant Center (CLMC) is a specialized center of Caritas Lebanon, a non-profit organisation, which was established in 1994 to provide migrant workers, refugees and asylum-seekers with specialized and necessary assistance.

        CLMC offers direct assistance such as, access to temporary safe accommodation, basic needs, social, medical, psychological and legal assistance; post-arrival orientation sessions for migrants on their rights and responsibilities; informal life-skills training for migrants; and re-integration in their homeland.

        CLMC is also raising awareness among Lebanese public at large, including staffs of governmental agencies. Training sessions are regularly organised for various law enforcement agents on human rights, migrants’ rights, trafficking in persons, victim identification and response, rights-based approach, victims’ referral to service providers, etc. The CLMC is also advocating for the creation of a legal framework relevant to migrant workers, especially domestic workers. It is also calling for a clear implementation and monitoring system of the anti-trafficking law to be put in place

        CLMC lawyers assist migrants outside detention, including victims of trafficking, with the following: Negotiating with employers or employment agencies on behalf of the migrants in order to resolve problems easily; Filing formal complaints against employers or employment agencies in cases of abuse, non-payment of wages, or breach of contract; Assisting migrants or refugees with obtaining their passports, residency papers, release papers, or other vital documents from employers, employment agencies, and embassies; Assisting migrants or refugees to regularize their immigration status before being detained; Providing assistance to get documentation such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, etc. depending on the life circumstances of the migrant.

        Ghada Jabbour, Co-Founding Member, Head of the Exploitation & Trafficking in Women Unit  (Kafa (enough) Violence & Exploitation)

        City: Beirut
        Website :
        Telephone Number: +961-1-392220
        Mobile Number: +961-3-782148
        Email Address:

        About KAFA
        KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation is a feminist, secular, Lebanese, non-profit, non-governmental civil society organization seeking to create a society that is free of social, economic and legal patriarchal structures that discriminate against women. The Listening and Counseling Center at KAFA operates a helpline for domestic workers and provides services to those who are sexually and physically abused. The center offer social follow-up as well as legal counseling and representation. We refer cases to safe sheltering and offer return assistance for urgent cases.

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        Sumitha Shaanthinni Kishna, Assistant Director, Bar Council Malaysia Migrants, Refugees and Immigration Affairs Committee

        City: Kuala Lumpur
        Telephone Number:+6 03-2050 2090 (direct line)
        Mobile Number: +6 012 6845 091
        Email Address:

        Dato’ M. RAMACHELVAM, Chairperson, Migrants, Refugees and Immigration Affairs Committee ( MRIAC) / Bar Council of Malaysia

        City: Kuala Lumpur
        Website :
        Telephone Number: +609-2961262
        Mobile Number: +60199552262
        Email Address:

        About MRIAC
        The MRIAC of the Bar Council is a Committee of the Bar Council of Malaysia. The MRIAC handles all matters pertaining to Migrants, Refugees and Immigration issues on behalf of the Bar Council of Malaysia. The MRIAC carries out advocacy, law reform, provision of training and legal representation for migrants, refugees and non-citizens. They provide the following assistance to migrant workers through our Legal Aid System:
        (a) Provide legal representation in detention and in court
        (b) Assist families and concerned persons to track migrant workers detained in prison/detention centres
        (c) Refer migrants to other service providers for medical assistance, shelter etc.

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          Henry Rojas, Coordinator (Lawyers Beyond Borders), Legal Counsel (Center for Migrant Advocacy), Senior Partner (Rojas & Uy Law Offices)

          City: Quezon City
          Website: ;
          Mobile number: +639178224710
          Email address: ;

          About the LBB Coordinator
          Together with MFA, I co-facilitate the advancement of the Lawyers Beyond Borders network, to build its capacity and to strengthen its information infrastructure. We collaborate with network members and other legal aid providers and advocates in Asia and the Middle East, and carry out consultations to design a series of activities tailored to legal practitioners’ needs and aimed at promoting cross-learning, providing technical support and sharing strategies to overcome legal challenges. I am also the legal counsel of the Center for Migrant Advocacy, an advocacy group that promotes the rights of overseas Filipinos – land- or sea-based migrant workers and Filipino immigrants – and their families.

          Erwin Puhawan, Advocacy/Paralegal Officer, Kanlungan Centre Foundation Inc.

          City: Quezon City
          Telephone Number: +63(2) 9282384
          Mobile Number:+63 (2) 09093425464
          Email Address: /

          About Kanlungan Centre
          Kanlungan Centre Foundation is non stock non profit organization founded June 1989. It provides direct service to migrant workers and their families.

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            SRI LANKA

            Sujeewa Lal Dahanayake

            City: Colombo
            Mobile Number: +94777324062
            Email Address:

            Ruchira Gunasekera

            City: Colombo
            Mobile Number: +994 11 4892499
            Email Address:

            About Lawyers Beyond Borders Sri Lanka Chapter
            Lawyers Beyond Borders Sri Lanka is one of the newly established chapters of Lawyers Beyond Borders Network. They are currently engaged in providing access to justice for victims of labour migration and labour trafficking.